My Portuguese Farm

A dream without action, stays a dream.

It started with a dream.

I grew up on a farm and wanted to be a farmer one day. Unfortunately, at that time, women were not accepted into agricultural college. I went into teaching instead, but that dream…that dream…that dream never left me.

In 2020 I decided to make my dream a reality.


Portugal chose me.

I’ve traveled widely and looked at different options, different countries. I looked at the pros and cons of each. But I kept going back to Portugal.

Portugal had everything I was looking for. A place where I could grow old and fulfill my dream.

It all begins with a dream. Then you start with the research to see if it’s possible. You make lists, talk to as many people as possible, watch Youtube tutorials, get inspired. You make more lists, do more research, ask more questions. It’s hard work to bring a dream to life, but so worth it.